Sixpence (long book review)

 ""I don't think it's the mother 's job to beat the children. It's the duty of the father. And, besides, he impresses them so much more."" (p. 54)

What do you think when you hear this? I think it is bad thing to determine beating is father's job. I also beating is not good idea. Although Dicky doesn't hear his parents easily. It can't be helped.

We discussed about this book. I was connector.

▼I connected to my childhood.


I will talk about 2 points of view. About children and parents.

First, I was fearful that I'm beaten by my father. So I tried to not to break grass, to awake sleeping father, and so on. Like Dicky, when everyone is child, they were angered about their bad action, but the grower they are, they were angered about their bad behave. Bad behave is like ignoring parents, not greeting to parents, and so on. Our childhood's mind is more obedient than now.

Second, I also thought that parents are not always like to beat their parents. In this story, Mrs. Bendall consults her husband about beating their son. From this scene, we can understand about it. Exactly, it is better than our mother that father beats. It is because, children tend to see like “ father is strongest of my house. “ In this story, Dicky's father has pain in his mind and gives him sixpence. Actually, parents think that beating is bad thing for their children. Although during childhood, if parents don't beat them, they can't understand. It is easy for children to understand that their action is bad. It can't be helped.


Then, I searched about “how to scold children goodly” on Internet.

In this topic, it was written that “After scolded, sure to apologize to children. It is important.”

This sentence corresponds with this story. It means this behavior can tell to children that “ after doing bad action, sure to apologize.” We must be sample for children.


If I become parent in the future, I want to consult my husband about “how to scold our child.”


Have you ever experienced like that? It's nostalgic for me.

When you become a parent, how to involve your children? Let's think!

When we discussed this book. It was the first time to join Literature Circle.

It was difficult to connect this story to my experience. Although I did best.

I did discussion leader, too. It was fun for me.




